Cash back cards love to put people in boxes. You sign up for a card that rewards you for gas or groceries or travel - and then you’re locked in. But what if where you spend the most each month changes? I mean, isn’t that…life? What you’re into - or where you need to spend the most each month - isn’t always the same.
So when Citi came to us with their new card that gives customers 5% cash back where they spend the most monthly - we created a campaign that’s about rewarding you, for being you. But not just one version of you. ALL the versions of you.
To launch the card we went in two directions Citi hadn’t gone in years, celebrity-driven and comedy, partnering with two personalities that captured the you-do-you personality of the card, Rashida Jones and Dan Levy. In just a few months we met their KPI for sign ups and then some.